카테고리 없음2008. 2. 27. 10:33
You haven`t changed ! 너 하나도 안 변했네 !
** Dialogue **
A : Excuse me, aren`t you Andrew Hall from San Jose junior high?
실례지만, 혹시 샌 호세 중학교 출신인 앤드류 홀 아닌가요?
B : Yes, and you are .... 맞아요, 당신은 .....
A : I`m Grace, your school buddy 그래, 나, 그레이스야 학교 동창이지 않아
B : Oh, my, you haven`t change a bit! 세상에 너 하나도 안 변했네

** Need to know **

Change 는 변하다, 바뀌다, 의 뜻입니다. 특히 외형적인 변화에 중점을 두세요. buddy 는 친한친구 사이에 쓰는 호칭이지만 상황에 따라서는 불량스러워 보일 수도 있어요
Posted by aspirinirony
AllAcc?ess2007. 10. 30. 14:18

★ warming up  한줄독해

1. According to the Commerce Department, / Britain is the biggest foreign investor in the United States, / followed by Japan. Holland, Canada and Germany.


상무성에 따르면, 영국은 미국 내에서 가장 큰 외국 투자가이며, 그 뒤를 일본, 네델란드, 캐나다, 그리고 독일이 뒤따르고 있다.

어휘와 해설보기


2. But the growing international presence / in plants, real estate, stocks and bonds / and in American branches of foreign-owned banks / troubles many business and trade



그러나 공장, 부동산, 주식과 채권, 그리고 외국 소유 은행의 미국 지사에서의 국제적인 점유가 늘어감에 따라 많은 기업들과 통상 전문가들은 어려움을 겪고 있다.

어휘와 해설보기




★ level up 분야별독해

In the United States, the radio was influential as an instrument for entertainment, education, and standardization. Radio developed rapidly during the First World War, and the first commercial broadcasting station began business in 1920. Within a decade almost every family in the nation was able to tune in on comic shows, news broadcasts, or music. The radio, like the movies, was a big business, and like the movies, too, it was geared to mass consumption and had to fit its programs to popular interest: a study of radio programs would reveal as much about the popular mind as would any other study. In two fields the radio aimed at something more than popular entertainment.

It undertook educational programs―rather feebly, to be sure―and it broadcast news and political campaigns. It is interesting to note that the radio remained, with very few exception, a private enterprise, supported not by taxes, as in all European countries, but by advertisers. Whether Americans paid too high a price for freedom from government control of the radio is a matter about which opinions differ.


1. It can be inferred from the passage that by the 1930's most people in the United States _______.

   (A) had access to a radio

   (B) listened to European news

   (C) attended one movie a week

   (D) sent comments to radio stations


2. The author mentions all of the following services provided by the radio except _______.

   (A) political news                          (B) comic shows

   (C) weather reports                       (D) music programs


3. Why does the author mention the movies?

   (A) To suggest that movies were bigger business than radio

   (B) To show that both movies and radio were influenced by public interest

   (C) To explain the differences in audience reaction to movies and radio

   (D) To compare private enterprises to government controlled ones


4. In line 8, the word “it” refers to which of the following?

   (A) radio                                    (B) interest

   (C) business                              (D) consumption


5. What does the author say about government control of radio?

   (A) Some people think government control of the radio industry is inevitable in the future.

   (B) It is relatively inexpensive to operate a government-controlled radio station.

   (C) government-owned radio station

   (D) There are various viewpoints concerning government control of the radio industry.


6. Where in the passage does the author discuss the different types of funding for radio?

   (A) Lines 1~3                             (B) Lines 3~5

   (C) Lines 5~9                             (D) Lines 14~17

☞ 정답 및 해설

according to 에 관하여.

문제) 보기 중 잘못된 것은?

The boss asked me what, according to my opinion, we should do about the parking problem at                           (A)           (B)                                          C)                                      (D)

e factory.

.... 답지에 답이 (B)로 나와있는데요, 왜 그런지 잘 모르겠습니다.

문제) 보기 중 잘못된 것은?

The boss asked me what, according to my opinion, we should do about the

                                 (A)       (B)                                                       (C)

parking problem at the factory.


..... 답지에 답이 (B)로 나와있는데요, 왜 그런지 잘 모르겠습니다.

 "사장은 나에게 공장의 주차문제에 관하여, 내 의견으로는, 우리가 무슨 일을 해야
할지를 물었읍니다."

  **according to~~는    "행동이 ~~에 적응하여, 분수에 맞게"등이나

                                  "정보나 자료가 ~~에 의거하여"의 의미로 사용합니다.

      그러나 opinion의 경우에는 according to를 사용하지않고, in one's opinion이나 

      in the opinion of~~의 형태를 사용하여 "~~의 의견으로는"이란 의미로 사용



'AllAcc?ess' 카테고리의 다른 글

부산국제고 12명 합격번복 파문  (0) 2007.11.06
건망증 막는 7가지 방법  (0) 2007.10.31
다른 사이트 소스 끌어오기  (0) 2007.10.18
Listening Zone 강의노트1  (0) 2007.10.17
Computer Virus ? !  (0) 2007.08.24
Posted by aspirinirony
AllAcc?ess2007. 10. 17. 18:38
Listening Opening Lecture (1st)
방송일: 2006년 2월 27일(월)

Today's mission: 혼동하기 쉬운 발음 따라 잡기

< /th/ sounds >
A: What's the matter with you?
B: I think I’m coming down with the flu.
I've got a headache and a sore throat.
A: Do you have a fever, too?
B: Yes. It was very high last night.
A: I think you have a terrible cold.
Take this medicine three times a day after each meal.
B: Thank you.

* 상담 및 처방:
위드 유? => with you
위드 더 플루? => with the flu
씽크? => think
트로트? => throat

* 치료실 1단계: 발음 원리
1. /th-/
단어의 첫 음에서 [θ]는 분명하게 발음된다.
think thin thirteen through

2. /-th/
단어의 끝에서 [θ]는 약하게 발음된다.
birth fourth truth path

3. /th/
[ð]는 목젖을 울려 발음된다.
breathe themselves weather there

* 치료실 2단계: 문장 속 /th/ sounds
1. /th-/: [θ]
He has a thick accent.
I would like a thin pizza, please.
Hold on, I put you through to customer service.

2. /-th/: [θ]
She gave birth to 4 children.
Independence Day is the fourth of July.
Please stay on the path.

3. /th/: [ð]
They are dressed for cold weather.
There is a notebook on the desk.
They are enjoying themselves at the park.

* 치료실 3단계: 긴 문장 속 /th/ sounds를 잡자!
Good day, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We are going to be flying through thick clouds as we land. Therefore, I ask you to remain in your seats at all times for the next hour.

Q) Where can this announcement be heard?
A) on the airplane

Good day, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking.
We are going to be flying through thick clouds as we land.
[θ] [θ]
We are going to be flying through thick clouds as we land.
Therefore, I ask you to remain in your seats at all times for the next hour.

* (대화문) 다시 듣기
Good day, ladies and gentleman, this is your captain speaking. We are going to be flying through thick clouds as we land. Therefore, I ask you to remain in your seats at all times for the next hour.

전략 마침표.
Strategy 1. 닫힌 입을 열자.
Strategy 2. 반복 훈련만이 살길.
Strategy 3. 정리의 달인이 되자.

'AllAcc?ess' 카테고리의 다른 글

2007/06/01 Friday English Study mail  (0) 2007.10.30
다른 사이트 소스 끌어오기  (0) 2007.10.18
Computer Virus ? !  (0) 2007.08.24
나라별 용의 전설  (0) 2007.08.14
ajax 기반 기술 적용 사례  (0) 2007.08.13
Posted by aspirinirony
AllAcc?ess2007. 5. 17. 13:02
내용 출처 : http://cafe.daum.net/learnenglish
◎만날 때 헤어질 때.-(만날 때,오랜만에 만날 때, 헤어질 때)

●●만날 때.

->일상적인 인사말 입니다.
Hello보단 격식없는 표현으로 친한 사이에 주로 쓰입니다.

->하루 종일 흔히 쓰는 인사말

●Good morning
->아침 인사죠?^^

●Good afternoon
->점심 때 쓰는 인사입니다.
특히 일할 때 많이 쓰이는 말이죠.

●Good evening
->저녁 때 쓰이는 인사입니다.

●How are you?
->잘 지냈니? 하고 안부를 묻는 인사말입니다.
안부 이외에 안녕하십니까? 하는 의미로도 아주 잘 쓰입니다.^^

♣보통 How are you? 하면 우리나라 사람들 중 많은 수가 형식적으로
Fine thank you 라는 대답이 나옵니다..
외국인이 How are you?라고 해서 긴장해서 무턱대고 fine 이라하는 것
보다는 I am tired. Not bad 등 자신의 상태를 정확하게 알려주세요.^^

●How do you do?
->첨 뵙겠습니다.^^
처음 만났을 때 쓰는 인사말입니다.^^

♣미국의 일부 지방에선 How do you do를 Howdy라고 하기도 한답니다.^^
사투리이고 잘 쓰이는 말은 아니지만 하나 알아두세요.

♣I've heard a lot about you.
->말씀 많이 들었습니다.^^

●What's up?
->How are you와 같은 의미 입니다.
별일 없어? 정도의 뜻으로 쓰이고 친한 친구들사이에서
많이 쓰이는 말입니다.

ex)Hey~ Chris, what'up?
->이봐 크리스, 잘 지내?
Nothing much.
->별일 없지.

●How's your family?
->가족들은 잘 지내?

●How's everything?
->잘 되가고 있어? 하고 일종은 안부인사입니다.
레스토랑에서 웨이터가 이 말을 하게 되면
"식사는 어떻습니까?"하는 의미가 된답니다.^^

ex)How's everything?
->잘 되가고 있어?
It's going pretty well.
->모든게 잘 되구 있어.
♣pretty는 ~이 귀엽다,예쁘다의 의미도 있지만
위와 같이 "매우"라는 강조의 의미를 지녀 사용되기도 합니다.^^

●How's business?
->일은 어때?

●How did it go today?
->직역하면 오늘은 어떻게 갔니?
즉, 오늘 하루 어땠어? 라는 의미로 주로 회의나 파티 등
뭔가 특별한 일, 행사가 있었을 때 씁니다.

ex)How did it go today?
->오늘 어땠어?
->그저그렇지 뭐..

●Same as usual.
잘 되고 있니? 오늘 어땠어? 하고 상대방이 물어볼 때
쓰는 대답으로 마찬가지야.. 하는 뜻을 갖고 있습니다.
비슷한 말로는
♣Another day, another dollar.
->여느 떄와 마찬가지야.

●Where are you headed?
->어디가니? 라는 물음입니다.
=Where are you going?
=where are you off to?

●What are you doing?
->뭐 하고 있어?

♣I was just thinking.
->그냥 뭐좀 생각 하고 있었어..
♣I was just daydreaming.
->좀 멍 하니 있었어.
♣I'm killing time.(=I'm hangin out.)
->시간 때우고 있었어.

●You've come just in time.
->제 시간에 왔구나.
(=You've come at the right moment)

●There you are!!
->여기에 있었구나!!
찾고 있던 상대방을 발견했을 때 쓰는 말입니다.
(=Found you!)

●Is Matt around?
->멧 있어?
곧잘 쓰이는 말이니 잘 기억해 두시길...

●Have you seen Chris?
->크리스 봤어?
누군가를 찾을 때 다른 이에게 물어보는 말입니다.
회사나 학교에서 주로 쓰이는 표현입니다.

●I ran into him.
->그와 우연히 맞딱뜨렸어.
(=I bumped in to him
♣run into:우연히 만나다.

만날 때 헤어질 때 1부..
오늘 여기서 마치겠습니다.^^
비록 간단한 표현들이지만 일상생활에서 많이 써먹을 수
있도록 노력하세요.^^

그럼 저 프린켑스는 이만 물러 갑니다.^^
Posted by aspirinirony
AllAcc?ess2007. 5. 15. 15:50

TEPS 에 나오는 생활영어 구문정리에 나온정리 한겁니다.

제가 많이 본 표현들 그냥...허접하게 정리 한건데...오타도 있어여~^^

비슷한 표현 있으면  계속 추가하고 수정도 하니까...그때마다 보세요...ㅋㅋ 아마 매일매일 봐야 할껄요...

1. 너 말이 맞다. 동감이야

You can say that again. / I couldn't agree with you more. /
You took the words right out of my mouth. / That's right. /
You said it. / You read my mind. / That's exactly what I need.

2. 너 놀리냐? 농담하냐? - Are you pulling my leg. / No kidding.

3. 정말이야. 진정이야 - I mean it. / I'm serious.

4. 얼마입니까? - How much do I owe you ?

5.( 감사에 대한 표현) 천만해요. - You are welcome. /  Don't mention it. /  Not at all. / My pleasure.

                                                    No problem.

6. (사과에 대한 응답) 괜찮아요.- That's all right. / That's okay. / Don't worry about it. / Never mind.

7. 지겹다. 진걸머리난다. - I'm sick and tired of it. /  I'm fed up with it.

                                        I've had it. / I can't take(stand) it any more.

8. 역에 어떻게 가요? - How can I get to the station?

9. 지금 몇시에요? - What time do you have? / Do you have the time?

10. 어디 가냐? - Where are you headed (for)? / Where are you bound (for)?

11. 전화표현

누구세요? - May I ask who's calling? / Who's calling, please? / Who's this speaking?
 Mr. Kim 바꿔줘요? - Is Mr. Kim in? / Is Mr. Kim there? / Is Mr. Kim available?
                                           Can you get a hold of Mr. Kim?  /  Can I speak to Mr.Kim?

바꿔드릴께요. 연결해드리께요 - I'll put(get) you through .
기다리세요. - Hold on. / Hang on. / Stay on the line
안계신데요. -  He isn't at his desk. /  He's not home. / He's out . / He's not in.
                                  He's just stepped out.(방금 나갔는데요.)

언제 돌아와요? - When do you expect him back?
메모 남겨드릴까요? - Can I leave a message? / May I take a[your] message?
                                             Would you like(care)to leave a message?

나한테 전화주세요 - Can you have him call me back? / Give me a call[buzz, ring]
수화기 내려져 있다. - It's off the hook
통화중이다. - The line is busy. / I keep getting a busy signal. / It's busy.
                              Someone's still on the phone / busy signal : 통화중 신호음  / on the phone : 통화중

내가 받을께.. - I'll answer the phone. /  I'll get it.
모닝콜 해주세요.. - Could you give me a wake-up call at 6 o'clock 
make(give) a phone call
12. 직업이 뭐에요? - What do you do (for a living)?

13. 화장실 어이에여? - Nature calls me./ Nature's calling.

14. 주문하시겠여요?

질문 - May I take your order? / Are you ready to order ?
                    Are you being served(helped, waited on)?

                     What would you like (to have)? / What would you care for?

답변 - I haven't made up my mind yet./ Yes, I'd like to chicken, please /
                    I'm expecting my company

15. 내가 낼께..- This is on me. / I'll treat you. / I'll pick up the tab. / I'll foot the bill. / I'll take the

check. /                          I'll get it. / Let me get the bill.

16. 반띵하자. 각자내자 - Let's split[share] the bill.

17.배곱파 죽것다 - I'm starving.

18. 서둘러! - Hurry up. / Step on it. / Shake a leg. <-> Take your time. / Take it easy

19. 그거 열라 잘 팔려요 - It's very hot item. hot : 뜨거운, 최신의 , 인기절정의, 화제의

20. 진정해라... - Clam down. / Take it easy. / Hold your horses. / Keep one's composure(cool).

21. 이만 접죠.. 이만 끝내죠..- Let's call it a day. / Let's call it quits.

22. 내말 알 것냐? - Got it ? / Did you get it ?/ Are you with me? / Did you get the picture?

     <-> 잘 모르겠는데요~ You are talking over my head./ I don't  get it (the point).

23. 곤경에 빠져있다. - I'm in trouble( a jam, hot water, a bind).

24. 넘 쉽다.  - It's a piece of cake

25. 안돼!!! - Not chance! / Not on your life. /  Over my dead body! /  No way. /  Not in a million years. /

                   It will be the day. / Nothing doing!

26. 나 넘 피곤해 - I'm beat (exhausted, dead tired). / I'm worn out. / I'm burn out.

                            I'm wiped out / I'm bushed

27. 부탁해도 될까요? - May I ask you a favor? / Would you do me a favor?

28. 시계고장 - My watch is out of order ( broken) <-> My watch keeps good time(시계정확)

29. 말 조심혀~ Watch your language(tongue, mouth). / Mind your P's and Q's.

28. 나 짤리다. 해고되다.  - I got fired, dismissed / They let me go./ I got the sack.

                                         I got laid off / I got a pink slip.

29. 임기응변으로 대처 - I had to play it by ear

30. 왜 시무룩하냐? - why the long face? / You look under the weather. / Why so blue / You look down. /

                                You don't happy. / You look tired./ You look pale. /  You don't look very well


31. 자업자득이지 - You deserve it.

32. 기운내라... - Keep you chin up! / Cheer up

33. 그들은 자살했다. - They all took their life.

34. 널 여기서 만나다니...(오랜만에 본사람)

 What a nice surprise! / What a pleasant surprise! / Surprising running into you!
run into=bump into우연히 만나다
35. 그녀는 임신중이다. - She is expecting. / She is pregnant. /  She is going to have a baby.

36. 출산 예정일이 언제냐?  - When is she expecting? / When is her baby due?

37. 진통중이다..go into a labor    출산 했다. -  She had a baby.  / deliver a baby

38. 교통 --->이거 쌤 어휘 V0002 교통

fare 육해공 운임, fee 수수료 변호사 사례금, charge벌금, 청구금액, cost 비용, rate 숙박료, 호텔
            what is the room rate?

flat tire / second hand = a used-car/ mileage
             checkup 자동차 정비 건강검진 , = tune up 자동차 정비

 rear - end collision 뒤에서 박은 추돌사고 It was rear ended.<->head - on collision 정면 추돌사고
         dent - My car is dented.

 repair shop = body shop
 congestion jam = bumper to bumper , back up . 교통정체 셤 /
            교통이 혼잡했다. - I was caught(stuck) in a traffic jam. / Traffic was heavy.

                                         There was (traffic) congestion. Traffic was bumper to bumper.

                                          Traffic was backed up. Traffic is horrible during these hours.

pull over 차 길가에 붙이다/ I'll pick you up 차로 마중나가다
            I'll drop you off there내려주다/ drive me home

         get off<->get on 차에서 내리다. 타다./ give me a lift(ride) - Will you give me a lift(ride)? 나좀 태워줘

clock : 규정소도로 여행하다. 속도 측정하다
         The police clocked him at 95 mile an hour on the freeway.

           I clocked you doing 70km in 50-km zone.

 I got a parking ticket. 나 딱지 땠다..ㅠ.ㅠ /  You are speeding. 과속했어요.. speeding ticket
39. 참 안됐다. - That's too bad./ Sorry to hear that. / That's a shame[a pity]. / What a shame[a pity]!

40. 오랜만이다. - I haven't seen you for a long time.

41. 난 너무 바뻐 - I'm tied up right now. / My hands are full. / I'm behind (in my work).

42. 행운을 빈다. - I'll keep[have] my fingers crossed (for you). / Break a leg!

43. 큰일날뻔했다. - That was a close call. (선생님 연어표현에 나옴)

44. 참견하지마..니 일이나 신경써...

This is none of your business. / Mind your own business.
            You'd better keep your nose nice and clean.

45. 엎어지면 코 닿을 곳. It's just a few blocks away. / It's right around the corner.

46. 간밤에 한잠도 못잤다. - I didn't sleep a wink last night.

47. 인생이란 그런거지... - That's the way it goes. / That's life.

48. 그는 그런 짓을 할만큼 어리석지는 않다. - He knows better than to do such a thing.

49. 정말 비싸다. - The price is out of line.  That's too expensive. It's out of my buy price.

                            <->That's a steal. 훔친거 처럼 싸게 샀다.

     바가지 쓰다-> I got ripped off   

     좀 깍아줘여 -> Can you come down a little? Can you give me a discount?

50. 물건 바닥났어요. - They are all sold out. / We are out of stock on that item.

51. 돈이 꽤 들겁니다. - It will cost you a bundle. / It will cost you an arm and a leg.

52.니 미쳤냐? - Are you out of your mind? / Are you nuts?

53. 환장하네...미치겠네... - It drives me crazy[mad, nuts, bananas]!

54. 이자리 비어있습니까? - Is this seat taken? / Is this seat occupied? / Is this seat being used?

55. 수표 부도났다. - Your check returned(bounced).

56. 왜 늦었냐? What took(kept) you so long?

57. 비밀 누설마~ Don't spill the beans to anyone. / Don't let the cat out of the bag.

58. 잘 모르겠는데..Not off the top of my head.

59. 다음기회로 미루자.- Can I take a rain check? / Let's make it some other time.

60. 뭔일로 왔습니까? - What brings you here?

61. 잔돈 바꿔줘요. - Can you change this? / Can you break this? / Can I have change for this?

                                 How do you want the money ? /  Could you beak a one dollar bill for me?

62. ~하는게 어때? - what about, how about, What do you say to ~ing, What do you think about~ing,

                               why don't you, let's

63. 더 먹을래요? - Would you care for seconds? / Would you like some more (another drink)?

64. 상관없어요,,,이래도 좋구요, 저래도 좋아요, 한마디로 우유부단한 사람이네요...

      It makes no difference. / It's all the same. / I don't care.

65. 병원  ---> 이건 쌤 어휘 V0004 건강&의료 선생님이 필기해준거 포함

건강한 in shape, <->out of shape / He is in good shape. I'm fit <-> He is out of shape.  
        참고로 물건 온전한 상태 in shape

의사에게 진료받다  see a doctor / 조제하다 fill a prescription / 약먹다 take medicine
        장수하다. enjoy longevity / 연고바르다. apply ointment

입원환자 inpatient<->outpatient / 나 입원했어여~ I'm hospitalized. I'm in hospital
건강검진 checkup ..이 표현 차에서도 쓰이는데... 종합검진 general 만 붙이면됨... 종합병원도 general 붙이죠..
어디가 아파요? What bring you here today? / What's the matter? / Can you describe the problem ?
그 밖의 증상
          ▶ I sprain(twist) my ankle. 삐다 / My ankle is swollen. 부었다 asleep 저리다 / stiff 뻐근하다

             limp절뚝거림 /  I'd broken my arm. / I have a cramp in my foot 경련일어나다.

   cut my finger 손가락 벴다. / black & blue bruise 시퍼렇게 멍들다... go numb 마비

          ▶ My eye are itchy. 눈이 가려워요. / I have a rash. 두드러기 났어여 / 무좀 athlete's-foot

          ▶ I feel sick. / My stomach is upset.  / vomit, / throw up 토하것 같다. v0009에서 했어여...

          ▶ pass out = faint 이번 셤에 나옴 기절하다, 의식잃다. /  pass away 사망하다/ I feel dizzy. 어질어질

          ▶ My head's stuffed up. 머리 무거워/ I've got a runny nose. 콧물도 흐르고

               I'm aching all over. 온몸이 쑤시네..

Posted by aspirinirony